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Dagens namn: Elise, Lisa

Police sources: ASAP Rocky suspect in aggravated assault in Stockholm

Man cut with a broken glass bottle, kicked and beaten when on the ground

Uppdaterad 2019-07-08 | Publicerad 2019-07-02

A young man was thrown to the ground, cut with a broken bottle, kicked and beaten late Sunday evening.

Now police sources confirm to Aftonbladet that ASAP Rocky is one of the suspects.


Police sources confirm to Aftonbladet that Rakim Myers, also known as ASAP Rocky, is one of the suspects in a gross assault case in Stockholm.

ASAP Rocky is a suspect of aggravated assault, having alone or together with others cut the victim with a broken glass bottle and also having kicked and beat the victim while laying on the ground, this according to a non public police report made availible to Aftonbladet by police sources.

Late Sunday night a fight broke out in the streets of the Swedish capital after an altercation in a hamburger restaurant. There the world famous rapper ASAP Rocky and his entourage supposedly got into an argument with other restaurant guests about a pair of broken headphones.

The argument continued in the streets surrounding the restaurant, and in a video detailing the fight ASAP Rocky kan be seen picking a young man up in the air and hurdling him across the street and down on the ground. The rapper’s entourage is also seen kicking the man while laying on the ground.

Cuts on both arms

Stockholm police press officer Mats Eriksson confirms that the victim has been heard by police and that there is an ongoing police investigation conccerning a case of gross assault occuring in the streets of Stockholm Sunday night:

”He has been kicked” says Eriksson referring to the victim.

”He also have cuts on both of his arms. It is caused by some type of object, but not a knife.”

Eriksson also states that the victim has named a suspect, but declines to confirm the identity of the suspected perpatrator.

ASAP Rocky is in supposed to be performing Tuesday night at the SMASH rap festival in Stockholm. According the the festival’s head of press ASAP Rocky is still scheduled for tonight’s gig:

”He will be performing tonight. He is in Sweden and everything is going according to plan”, says Sulekha Daar.

He is according to our sources a suspect in a case of aggrevated assault, is that something you can comment on?

”No, according to his management’s plans everything os supposed to be on track”.