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Dagens namn: Elise, Lisa

An open letter to Bruce Springsteen

Hi Bruce, just a few lines from a long-time fan who also happens to have his own column where he can write whatever he likes.

They said you are already in Göteborg. If so, I hope you’ll have a nice stay, and thanks for bringing what we like to call ”Springsteen weather”. We need every ray of sunlight.

You’re unlikely to notice, but the town is a bit nervous about the future. Last week, there was some bad news from the auto plant, where they’ll lay off some 2000 workers. Just another executive penswipe at the Ford headquarters in Michigan, but it’s bound to have an effect here, in my hometown.

You may not know it, but you’ve been an integral part of my life for 33 years now. Santa Claus brought you home in late 1975, when my brother gave me ”Born To Run” for Christmas. I still have it, a beautiful thick slab of vinyl that still sounds like the future of rock’n’roll (yeah, I know you probably hate that expression, but what’s a poor writer to do…).

Since then, I’ve been a fan. That’s a stupid word, isn’t it? Sounds like I’m hanging around waving my arms like a madman.

I have to admit, that’s just what I was doing for a while. I remember seeing you and the band live for the first time, back in 1981 when you started the Göteborg show with an eerie version of an old Creedence song, in almost complete darkness. It was a life-defining moment. I went wild with rock’n’roll madness.

Back then, I was still raving about this guy from New Jersey to anybody who would listen. When you came back here in 1985, there was no need for me to keep preaching. By that time, you had become a star even in this far corner of the world. ”Born In The USA” brought out even those who should’nt really be there, misreading the song as a right wing anthem and rooting for Reaganomics all over the place.

But we all had great fun, rocking the foundations of our dear old stadium on two magical summer nights. On Friday, we’ll be back to give it another go. I know you’ve already started to warm up your special Göteborg encore, ”Twist And Shout”.

And we’ll be ready to do just that. One more time. Maybe the last time, I don’t know.

On Friday night, I’ll be there with my kids, and Saturday I’ll bring my gang. From what I’ve read, you’re taking requests like a stripper takes billfolds. Personally, I’d be very happy to hear ”Run Through The Jungle” again.

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